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Give new life

„Give new life to environmental and cultural heritage: revitalization of parks, undeveloped urban and rural areas” 2018-1-PL01-KA202-050609 is Erasmus+ VET strategic partnership two-years project created by six partners’ institutions from Poland, Italy, Portugal, France and Estonia – 3 VET schools and 3 non-governmental organisations. Most of partners have experience in EU funded projects. The coordinator of the project is EUROPEA Polska.


The objectives of the project are to collect information about places in need of revitalization, share best practices of revitalization in the project partners’ countries and Europe, to develop innovative tools for VET staff and students/learners, to increase professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors, to enrich partnership of VET providers in partners’ countries and Europe, to support social and educational value of European cultural heritage. 

The project involved VET schools from regions where green areas have been identified as a requiring development or revitalization, to restore their former functions or give new shape and functions after natural disasters.

There is obvious need for professional training of VET staff and students/learners – the main target groups of this project – to increase competence, to secure investment and to strengthen the employability in the future. Furthermore, the need is to be prepared better for tomorrow’s challenges.

The objectives of the project are to collect information about places in need of revitalization, share best practices of revitalization in the project partners’ countries and Europe, to develop innovative tools for VET staff and students/learners, to increase professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors, to enrich partnership of VET providers in partners’ countries and Europe, to support social and educational value of European cultural heritage.


During 3 years activities Partners organized:

  • four transnational meetings,
  • two short-term joint staff training events,
  • six multipliers events,
  • many local and dissemination activities.

Partners expect that the impact of the project will be strong to all involved staff members and VET students/learners and develop competencies to work in revitalization area.
The desired impact on local and national level was to inspire more people of all ages to be active in protection cultural and environmental heritage.


Partners will create two outputs



presents results of research of collection of best practices of revitalization of parks, undeveloped urban and rural areas, materials produced during local activities and materials discussed

Produced and collected during short-term joint staff training events:

Fire management by the Fire department

We were 6 partners from 5 countries:

SERiL Europea Polska – Poland
- Applicant Organisation
Eesti People to People - Tallinn – Estonia
I.S.I.S.S. Cerleti Conegilano - Italy
ZSLiA im. L. Janty Połczyńskiego, Tuchola – Poland
Escola Profissional de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural de Marco de Canaveses, Portugal

Changing lives, opening minds

Project „Give new life to environmental and cultural heritage: revitalization of parks, undeveloped urban and rural areas”  Erasmus+ KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training 2018-1-PL01-KA202-050609 is co-funded by Erasmus+, the integrated programme with a focus on skills for employment, opportunities for modernizing teaching and learning, and new partnerships between the world of work and education.

The Erasmus+ programme supports increased opportunities to study, train, and gain work experience abroad for students and teachers, as well as strategic partnerships such as cross-sectoral cooperation in vocational education and training (VET). It also supports recognition of skills, including those learned outside the formal education system, and fosters entrepreneurship by improving curricula and qualifications through cooperation between the labour market and education. For more information please visit

To bring Erasmus+ as close as possible to the participants and make sure it works well across different countries, the EU works with National Agencies to manage the programme.

The Polish National Agency Erasmus+ supports transnational partnerships among Education, Training and Youth institutions and organisations to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of Education and work in order to tackle the skills gaps we are facing in Europe.